Ligue: 231512217 (Ch. rede fixa nacional) Portes gratuitos- Portugal Continental > 20€, Outros > 120€

Pharmacy Supplements

They are intended to complement or supplement the normal diet, and should not be used as a substitute for a diversified and careful diet.

May contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, plants or herbal preparations and other substances with nutritional or physiological effects, isolated or combined.

In Portugal, they are currently under the supervision of the General Directorate of Food and Veterinary (DGAV) and are under food law.

No marketing authorization is required (proving its effectiveness, safety and manufacturing quality), just notify DGAV of its introduction into the commercial circuit.

The National Association of Pharmacies has a department, the center for documentation and information on medicines (CEDIME) that promotes a technical analysis of supplements sold only in the pharmacy:

  • Evaluates whether active constituents are allowed
  • Evaluates doses of active constituents
  • Identifies aspects of safety, adverse reactions, interactions, contraindications, precautions (these products are not innocuous)
  • Verifies the conformity of information available on the label or information leaflet taking into account the legal requirements.

In this way, the supplements sold by pharmacies, unlike other circuits, are controlled, promoting safe and quality use, in order to prevent problems arising from their use.

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